Legit Survival | Minecraft Maps

UPDATE from DroidRGH
July 12, 2024

The five-part saga of Legit Survival Island continues with the IRON edition. Download it on the Maps page now!

Legit Survival Minecraft Maps

Progress Badges

The advancement of each map is represented by one of five Progress Badges. The WOOD, IRON, GOLD, DIAMOND, and NETHERITE standards let the player know what features and advancements to expect in the map.

Progress Badge

Secure base near world spawn
Iron pickaxe, shears, bucket
Chests with stone, wood, coal, iron
Starter farm + food reserve
Ore mine leading to Y=16
Auto-smelting furnace

Progress Badge

Animal pens with cow, sheep, chicken
Full enchanting table + anvil
Ore mine leading to Y=-56
Diamond pickaxe

Progress Badge

Large stores of items + materials
Portal to secure nether base
Access to villagers
More diamonds!

Progress Badge

Portal to secure nether transport hub
Outpost + Stronghold + End portal
Overworld XP grinder or blaze grinder
Contained village suitable for raids

Progress Badge

Ender chest
Two sets of Netherite armor
Three or more mob grinders
Shulker boxes
Two Elytra

Legit Survival Maps on MCPEDL

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Legit Survival Maps on MCPEDL

© Greg Hiltz, All rights reserved